Spring Has Sprung!

It’s officially springtime! Thousands of baby seeds and bulbs are shaking off their winter hibernation slumber and bursting forth into sprouts and flowers. That’s one heck of a display of yang energy bursting forth!! In Chinese Medicine, we look to the seasons as guides for balancing our inner health and harmonizing that self with the outside world. So, what does spring offer for us? For starters, it’s a prime time for creative projects and inventive brainstorming! Tap into that yang energy to help your business, family, aspirations and life take bloom! It’s also a wonderful time to get some tidying done-to wipe away the clutter and start fresh-in both one’s living environment, as well as one’s dietary palate. Gone are the thick stews and meat heavy dishes of winter. Out come the freshly steamed vegetables-green and in season are the best! Finally, it’s important to notice that bursting yang energy inside us and ensure we have cultivated enough cooling, calming, rooting yin to spring forth from and give our creative beings fuel to be nurtured through this time of “doing”. Imagine what would happen to all of those bulbs and sprouts if they shot up out of the ground and forgot about their roots?! They’d be wasted inklings of wilting possibilities in half a day’s time. Don’t let this happen to you!! Headaches, acid reflux, PMS, irritability, anxiety, nervousness, odd late afternoon or nighttime ailments, insomnia, random “creative genius” bursts in the wee hours that leave us up all night and drained in the morning…these are all signs of springtime’s yang energy revealing an imbalance in our bodies and our body desperately giving us an SOS to seek out more yin rooting. Any of these sound familiar to you? If so, now’s the right time to set up an appointment with Dr. Kade Stotler to start your springtime commitment to balanced health and learn the myriad ways Chinese medicine can assist your numerous health needs!

AND, stay tuned for our next blog to learn more about how to give your body a tasty springtime health boost utilizing those yellow flowered “wishing weeds” in your yard otherwise known as Dandelions!


Herbs As Food: Dandelion Fritters!